Monday, February 8, 2010


I had a project I wanted to tackle on Saturday. I was thinking about it all week. I have this little corner of the basement that I keep food storage in. Mom has been giving us food storage items for christmas the last few years. Morgan moved all her stuff back in while she goes off to Maryland and I shove things in there when the cupboard upstairs is full. We are counseled to have a storage plan of some kind and this was mine. Here is the before picture: as you can see most of it is sitting on the floor. I got to work and started digging out. You'd be surprised at what I found.
My "food storage " area had more than food. Mold, rust, MRE's, spiders, leaky water jugs, dust bunnies, dirt, applesauce from 1992 :( and a lot of junk. Not very appetizing that's for sure.

Look how old these cans are. Dry pack canning from 1989. I checked online for shelf life information and we are over the limit by 15 to 20 years. I tossed them and 2 dozen milk jugs of water that have been down there since we moved in 19 years ago. YUK! (I did feel a little pang of guilt and thought of the people in Haiti as I was dumping food and water.)

TA DA! The finished product. Now I need to get busy and fill in the gaps. I can see what I am low on, what we use and what we don't use. I'm inspired to follow direction.

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